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athlete standing in street, woman wearing pink sports bra and black yoga pants. She has blonde hair and is very fit.

Vitality Air pure oxygen products are focused on helping athletes excel. Supplemental oxygen can be used to improve muscle power, endurance, and recovery when training in order to get the most out of each and every workout.  


By utilizing supplemental oxygen, we are seeing runners, MMA fighters, body builders, and athletes in many other fields reach their peak potential.



Here are 3 ways using recreational oxygen can enhance your next workout:


  1. Increase Muscle Power

Did you know that supplemental oxygen can be used as a performance enhancer when working out?


By giving the body a very pure amount of oxygen, muscles can be rebuilt faster and stronger.


While most workout supplements contain added chemicals and calories, Vitality Air canned oxygen is all-natural, healthier alternative without any side effects.


If you are looking to increase your muscle power and longevity while working out, Vitality Air Enhancing Vitality will give your muscles the treat they’ve been looking for.



  1. Train Beyond Your Threshold

Using canned oxygen while working out is a great way to boost energy, endurance, and train beyond your limit.


Your muscles are working harder while you are exercising, so there is an increased demand for oxygen. Because of this, your breathing becomes heavier and your heart starts beating faster to push oxygen into your blood stream to replenish your muscles.


When you use Vitality Air, you are breathing more oxygen into your body, meeting your body’s demand for oxygen.


If you are feeling depleted of energy an hour into your workout, Vitality Air can help you complete those extra set of reps.


  1. Accelerate Muscle Recovery

The faster your body recovers, the faster you can get back to training.


After a workout, your muscles need oxygen to recover. Oxygen helps the liver break down lactic acid so that your muscles mend more quickly.


When you use Vitality Air canned oxygen as a part of your post-workout recovery routine, you are restocking your body’s oxygen stores in much less time, therefore allowing your muscles recover faster.



Are you an athlete ready to maximize the results of your training? Check out our Vitality Air Oxygen products!


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